
Hi! I’m @PixieJenni. As you may know I’ve been being vocally critical of #GamerGate on twitter these past few days, but I hope the fact I’ve also criticised people on the other “side” will mean you give me the benefit of the doubt here.

29 votes, 48 comments. The results from the GamerGate census are in with 776 participants. The survey ran for roughly two days and data was gathered. © 2021 Valve Corporation. All rights reserved. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. 2016 meme offering a satirical (and artistic) riff on the idea that GamerGate ruined the internet. The real story is far more complicated. For instance: The ex who started it all, programmer Eron Gjoni, was a pro-social justice leftist who ostensibly intended his post on August 16, 2014 as a “call-out” about psychological abuse (as recently noted on Twitter by strongly anti-GamerGate video. Survey on Video Game Addiction Hello, We are a group of students from the National University of Singapore. This is a survey questionnaire for a research that we are conducting regarding online game addiction for our social science module. What is GamerGate? GamerGate is an internet-based movement that claims to be about protecting ethics in gaming journalism, but in reality the entire thing started when Eron Gjoni got dumped and decided to slander his ex-girlfriend on a blog.


1. At around two months in, why are you still a part of #GamerGate?

2. What do you specifically want to see happen before it comes to an end?

3. What do you consider its achievements thus far?

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Jennifer Hale’s interview on #GamerGate contains a very excellent point – “There’s a segment of the game community – it’s small, but it’s vicious – that is bullying…I’m nervous about what this piece of the community is going to do to me for speaking up about anything, and that’s not OK.”

This is one of the reasons it is really hard to address some of the stuff you’re talking about in #GamerGate – because this vicious segment are pretty frightening. Luckily, I’m not actually in this industry. Sometimes I write for a small site about free games I like, but that’s about it. I’m actually just a philosophy and theology graduate who made some friends whilst running a geek convention, and hates seeing those friends (who aren’t even directly involved!) being scared. That’s my involvement here.

The problem is, #GamerGate as it stands now is a mess. It’s very hard to get anything consistent out of discussions – and I should know, I’ve been trying. Twitter is a difficult medium to talk nuance on, so let’s try this another way.

I’m going to make a series of posts, using your answers to these questions. I’ll just copy and paste whatever answers you give me – and if I am going to cut something, I will let you know why.

Two types of answers I will not use:
1. Any that contain names/obvious details except in the case where it’s referring to a particular article/major event
2. Anything that’s entirely hearsay

But, as I said, I will let you know why and if I am going to do that. Below are a bunch of posts I hope to make, and what questions I want your answers to. Please answer as many or as few as you want. I’m not getting paid for this, by the way. I may add more questions at a later date, too.

Let me know if you want your name or twitter handle attached to your comments, or if you’d rather be anonymous. Happy to do either.

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GamerGate + You

1. Why did you personally get involved with the #GamerGate tag?
2. What do you think the major goal of #GamerGate is?
3. Is this your main goal, or do you have something else you’d like to see addressed too?
4. How do you feel about the negative things that have happened attached to this tag? Do you think they take away from it, or that they’re separate?
5. Are there any things #GamerGate seems to be addressing that you disagree with?
6. Are there any things #GamerGate is ignoring that you want it to talk about?

Objective Game Reviews

Lots of you are asking for “objective game reviews”, but I’ve had a lot of different voices give me different answers on what they mean by this. So.

1. When you say “objective game reviews”, what do you mean?
2. Do you think reviewers with very obvious biases against certain genres – ie, like Yahtzee + MMOs – have a role in game reviews?
3. Can you give me an example of what you consider to be an “objective game review”?
4. Do you think that this is a neutral/objective statement about a piece of media, or an example of bias and opinion? Explain why please – I want to understand what you mean by what you say clearly, and this seems a good way to do so.
“The most novel thing about [this piece of media] is how lumpy, labored and relentlessly episodic its narrative is.”
5. What would you like to see covered in a review ie gameplay, mechanics, story, music, fun, narrative, etc.
6. What do you think the difference between an op-ed and a review is (if any?)

Game Reviews and Pushing Agendas

1. What do you count as “pushing an agenda”? Can you give me an example?
2. Do you think there are any “agendas” that are okay to push in game reviews, or not at all?
3. Do you have an issue with any of these three things, and if so (or if not), why?

  • “I think this game has poorly designed female body types and it’s somewhat sexist in how it portrays them” -> Game changes body types
  • “I think this game has poorly designed weaponry and I find it very boring and unintuitive” -> Game changes weapons
  • “I think this game has made poor choices in promoting actual weapons and linking to arm manufactures in doing so and it’s glorifying war by doing this” -> Game changes weapons

The Academic ‘Conspiracy’

1. What are your problems with the supposed academic conspiracy (the whole DiGRA thing)?
2. Do you think that this discussion was exceptional in terms of academic niches, or fairly standard?
3. What concerns you most about potential academic links?
4. Anything else you would like to add on this?

Bonus Article

1. Is there anything you would like to say that doesn’t fit any of the above questions?

Anti-GamerGate People Questions

1. What problems do you have with #GamerGate? Can you give me specific examples?
2. Are there any points #GamerGate has raised that you want to see addressed?
3. Are there any points #GamerGate hasn’t raised that you think it really should do?

Journalist Mailing List

1. Tell me your thoughts on this development (though maybe aim for less than 500 words so I can fit it all in!)

SJWs + Corruption


1. Define what you mean by SJW (Social Justice Warrior).

2. Do you agree with this statement: “Being Anti-Corruption and Anti-SJW are hand in hand.” If so, why? If not, why not?

What would a post-#GamerGate games website look like to you?

1. What categories of content would you like to see? (ie, news, reviews, op-eds, etc.)

2. What sort of games would you like to see focus on, and which would you not like to see featured? (ie, early access or not, etc)

3. What sort of areas would you want to covered as ‘news’? (ie, game date releases, studio shutdowns, etc)

4. What sort of comment policies would you want them to have?

5. List three things you’d want to see in an ethics statement from them?

What is a “gamer” to you?

1. What, in your opinion, makes a gamer a gamer?

2. Do you think gamers should care about social/political content in games, or just whether they’re fun/enjoyable at all?

3. Do you think “gamer” is equivalent to “movie-watcher” or does it mean something more/different?

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