Blogging For Cash: 2017's Best Blog Niches

Disclosure: I am compensated for purchases made through some links on this site. Click for details.

Want to learn about niche blogs? I’ve got you covered.

I hear the following quite often, “I’m interested in blogging, but I don’t know where to start. What blog topic should I choose and will it make money?”


Does this sound like you? I think most people who start a blog begin with that question. I sure did!

Ahhh… Blogging… Who doesn’t love the idea of making great money while staying home in your pajamas? Or a coffee shop. That’s what I prefer. Or maybe you’d rather be a travel blogger and write while lounging on an exotic beach? Hmmmm… Maybe I’d rather be at the beach. 😉

Training and exercise blog; These sub niches will help the people a lot by getting care of the health and all together you can also earn a huge sum of money on it. Blogging Tutorials Niche. A tutorial is great way of transferring (or) sharing knowledge and may be used as a part of a learning process. The best method for choosing a niche is to list out everything you are interested in and knowledgeable about and see if there are other blogs that are successful in those niches. You have to like the topic enough that you WANT to spend the time required to become a real expert in it, but it should also be something that other people are making. Congrats, you made it to the end. If you have been looking for the best niche topics and blogging ideas when starting a blog for affiliate marketing, this guide should help you get bootstrapped. Affiliate marketing blogs remains one of the most influential media in reaching an audience. For a more detailed list of examples of blogs that make money and direct links to each report check out my ultimate blog income report here. Best Money Making Blog Niches. Based on the blog income report as well as the list of profitable blog niches I would say that the best money making blog niches are the ones listed that generated an income.

Blogging for cash: 2017

What Is a Niche Blog?

Niche blogs are blogs that have a narrow focus. Some “niche down” even further into what’s known as a micro-niche blog. In our last post on the types of blogs, I used pet blogs and a pug blog. These fall into niche blogs and micro-niche blogs respectively.

Picking Your Blog Niche

I wasn’t sure what to write about when I first started blogging. It’s a hard decision and not one to be taken lightly like I did. Blogging takes a lot of work and you don’t want to waste your time by starting down the wrong path.

And by wasting time, I mean blogging about topics that have little to no potential for generating a great income. If you’re going to start blogging, you want more than pocket change. That’s what most bloggers earn… If they’re lucky! Why? They pick the wrong niche!

Let’s get you going in the right direction from the get-go. That starts with understanding the different types of blogs which we covered in our last post and blog niches which we cover in this three-part series.

This is the first post in a 3 part series on niche blogs. Be sure to check out the other two. And if you haven’t read the post covering the different types of blogs you should. You might need to start one of the other blog types and not a niche.

  1. 7 Blog Niches That Make Money + 100 Micro-Niche Ideas

My first blog, How To Treat Heartburn, may still be up and earning money, but I could’ve made a much better choice.

Picking the right type of blog will make blogging easier, more enjoyable and far more profitable in a shorter period of time.

Blogging for cash: 2017

People from all walks of life and all ages are making great money blogging and you can too. Let’s go over the top money-making blog niches to see which ones interest you.

The 7 Best Broad Blog Niches

There are seven top blog niches that are broad in nature. These broad niches have the potential of bringing you the most money. So many sub-niches exist within each. Niching down and getting more focused is often best. These seven broad niches cover basic human needs.

What Do People Need?

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is often covered in psychology classes. Do you happen to remember studying this theory by Abraham Maslow?

The Maslow’s Hierarchy is typically shown in the shape of a pyramid with the largest and most fundamental of needs being at the bottom. I’ll list them in order from the bottom to the top.

  • Physiological needs like food, water, shelter, sleep, and sex.
  • Safety and security needs. These would include personal safety, emotional security, financial security, and physical well-being.
  • Social belonging needs which would cover the need for family, friends, and social groups like those found at work, school, and in sports, religious groups, and through involvement in various organizations.
  • Self-esteem needs like respect, recognition, status, and fame.
  • The need for self-actualization which involves reaching one’s full potential.
  • The need for transcendence which would be the need for something beyond oneself. A higher level of human consciousness or spirituality.

Blogging For Cash: 2017's Best Blog Niches 2020

Were you drifting on me as we reached the end of that list? I wouldn’t blame you if you were.

The seven broad niches cover the needs we find in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. These niches are:

  1. Money
  2. Health and Fitness
  3. Food
  4. Beauty and Fashion
  5. Lifestyle
  6. Personal Development
  7. Spirituality

Start Broad then Narrow Down Your Niche

Now that you know the broad blog niches, what now?

Blogging For Cash: 2017

You’ll probably need to narrow your niche.

Niching down will help you concentrate your efforts on the best audience for reaching your intended goal. For most of us, the intended goal is to make money but yours might be different. It might be fame or it might be to convert someone to your religious thought if you happen to choose a niche in spirituality.

Blogging For Cash: 2017's Best Blog Niches 2019

If you have trouble narrowing down your niche, go ahead and start blogging. Watch what people respond to and provide more content on that subject as long as it’s moving you toward your intended goal.

Let’s look at some of the best niche ideas. These are the niches that have the potential to drive the most traffic and make the most money.

100 Blog Niche Ideas for Driving Traffic and Making Money

Bloggers in these top 100 blog niches are killing it! Will you be the next niche influencer to make a living as a blogger? I sure hope so! When you do, I want to hear all about it! Success stories are fascinating! 😀

Which of the following niches sound like fun to you?

Our talents and interests all differ. Some will sound like more fun than others.

Browse through the following blog niche ideas to see if any sound interesting.

Could you provide value to others by writing on any of these topics?

Which ones could you put your own twist on?

100 Blog Niche Ideas List

  1. Mom blogs
  2. Parenting blogs
  3. Pet blogs
  4. Food blogs
  5. Health blogs
  6. Fitness blogs
  7. Travel blogs (travelogs)
  8. Fashion blogs
  9. Beauty blogs
  10. Wedding blogs
  11. Lifestyle blogs
  12. Business blogs
  13. Finance blogs
  14. Political blogs
  15. Sports blogs
  16. Journalism blogs
  17. Editorial blogs
  18. Real estate blogs
  19. Home blogs
  20. Interior design blogs
  21. Organizing blogs
  22. Architecture blogs
  23. Gardening blogs
  24. Book blogs
  25. Art blogs
  26. Photography blogs
  27. Music blogs
  28. Film blogs
  29. TV show blogs
  30. Gaming blogs
  31. Education blogs
  32. Quiz blogs
  33. Car blogs
  34. Legal blogs
  35. DIY blogs
  36. Psychology blogs
  37. Entertainment blogs
  38. Technology blogs (Techblogs)
  39. Product review blogs
  40. Service review blogs
  41. Personal development blogs
  42. Spiritual blogs
  43. Sewing blogs
  44. Frugal living blogs
  45. Newborn blogs
  46. Weight loss blogs
  47. House cleaning blogs
  48. Organizational blogs
  49. Relationship help blogs
  50. Mental health blogs
  51. Couponing blogs
  52. Charity blogs
  53. Productivity blogs
  54. Freelancing blogs
  55. Writing blogs
  56. Diet blogs
  57. Nutrition blogs
  58. Healthy eating blogs
  59. Yoga blogs
  60. Women’s fitness blogs
  61. Men’s fitness blogs
  62. Dietary supplement blogs
  63. Cooking blogs
  64. Vegan blogs
  65. Keto Blogs
  66. Makeup tutorial blogs
  67. Women’s fashion blogs
  68. Men’s fashion blogs
  69. Jewelry blogs
  70. Living abroad blogs
  71. Outdoor blogs
  72. Survival blogs
  73. Homesteading blogs
  74. Christian blogs
  75. Camping blog
  76. Hiking blog
  77. Music lesson blogs
  78. Language lesson blogs
  79. Gossip blogs
  80. Soccer blogs
  81. Football blogs
  82. Baseball blogs
  83. SEO blogs
  84. Activism blogs
  85. Clothing blogs
  86. Gadget blogs
  87. Restaurant review blogs
  88. Baking blogs
  89. Bodybuilding blogs
  90. Professional development blogs
  91. Self-improvement blogs
  92. Theater blogs
  93. Business tip blogs
  94. Investment blogs
  95. Domestic travel blogs
  96. International travel blogs
  97. Adventure travel blogs
  98. Painting blogs
  99. Environmental blogs
  100. Minimalism blogs

Our blog niche idea list is hardly definitive. There are many more niches that deserve recognition!


Niches keep bloggers focused. Most bloggers get distracted by the shiny, little blog ideas that lead us astray from the focus of a niche… Or is that just me?… Squirrel!…

Do you have a niche picked out? If so, it’s time to get started on a WordPress blog through Bluehost. Bluehost and WordPress are by far the best way to go! WordPress even recommends Bluehost.

Don’t forget to visit the other two in this three-part series on niche blogs:

  1. 7 Blog Niches That Make Money + 100 Micro-Niche Ideas

Have you or are you going to start a niche blog? What’s your niche? We and fellow readers want to hear about you and your experiences in the comments below.

Disclosure: I am compensated for purchases made through some links on this site. Click for details.

Want to learn about niche blogs? I’ve got you covered.

I hear the following quite often, “I’m interested in blogging, but I don’t know where to start. What blog topic should I choose and will it make money?”

Does this sound like you? I think most people who start a blog begin with that question. I sure did!

Ahhh… Blogging… Who doesn’t love the idea of making great money while staying home in your pajamas? Or a coffee shop. That’s what I prefer. Or maybe you’d rather be a travel blogger and write while lounging on an exotic beach? Hmmmm… Maybe I’d rather be at the beach. 😉

What Is a Niche Blog?

Niche blogs are blogs that have a narrow focus. Some “niche down” even further into what’s known as a micro-niche blog. In our last post on the types of blogs, I used pet blogs and a pug blog. These fall into niche blogs and micro-niche blogs respectively.

Picking Your Blog Niche

I wasn’t sure what to write about when I first started blogging. It’s a hard decision and not one to be taken lightly like I did. Blogging takes a lot of work and you don’t want to waste your time by starting down the wrong path.

And by wasting time, I mean blogging about topics that have little to no potential for generating a great income. If you’re going to start blogging, you want more than pocket change. That’s what most bloggers earn… If they’re lucky! Why? They pick the wrong niche!

Let’s get you going in the right direction from the get-go. That starts with understanding the different types of blogs which we covered in our last post and blog niches which we cover in this three-part series.

This is the first post in a 3 part series on niche blogs. Be sure to check out the other two. And if you haven’t read the post covering the different types of blogs you should. You might need to start one of the other blog types and not a niche.

  1. 7 Blog Niches That Make Money + 100 Micro-Niche Ideas

My first blog, How To Treat Heartburn, may still be up and earning money, but I could’ve made a much better choice.

Picking the right type of blog will make blogging easier, more enjoyable and far more profitable in a shorter period of time.

People from all walks of life and all ages are making great money blogging and you can too. Let’s go over the top money-making blog niches to see which ones interest you.

The 7 Best Broad Blog Niches

There are seven top blog niches that are broad in nature. These broad niches have the potential of bringing you the most money. So many sub-niches exist within each. Niching down and getting more focused is often best. These seven broad niches cover basic human needs.

What Do People Need?

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is often covered in psychology classes. Do you happen to remember studying this theory by Abraham Maslow?

The Maslow’s Hierarchy is typically shown in the shape of a pyramid with the largest and most fundamental of needs being at the bottom. I’ll list them in order from the bottom to the top.

  • Physiological needs like food, water, shelter, sleep, and sex.
  • Safety and security needs. These would include personal safety, emotional security, financial security, and physical well-being.
  • Social belonging needs which would cover the need for family, friends, and social groups like those found at work, school, and in sports, religious groups, and through involvement in various organizations.
  • Self-esteem needs like respect, recognition, status, and fame.
  • The need for self-actualization which involves reaching one’s full potential.
  • The need for transcendence which would be the need for something beyond oneself. A higher level of human consciousness or spirituality.

Were you drifting on me as we reached the end of that list? I wouldn’t blame you if you were.

The seven broad niches cover the needs we find in Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. These niches are:

  1. Money
  2. Health and Fitness
  3. Food
  4. Beauty and Fashion
  5. Lifestyle
  6. Personal Development
  7. Spirituality

Start Broad then Narrow Down Your Niche

Now that you know the broad blog niches, what now?

You’ll probably need to narrow your niche.

Niching down will help you concentrate your efforts on the best audience for reaching your intended goal. For most of us, the intended goal is to make money but yours might be different. It might be fame or it might be to convert someone to your religious thought if you happen to choose a niche in spirituality.

If you have trouble narrowing down your niche, go ahead and start blogging. Watch what people respond to and provide more content on that subject as long as it’s moving you toward your intended goal.

Let’s look at some of the best niche ideas. These are the niches that have the potential to drive the most traffic and make the most money.

100 Blog Niche Ideas for Driving Traffic and Making Money

Bloggers in these top 100 blog niches are killing it! Will you be the next niche influencer to make a living as a blogger? I sure hope so! When you do, I want to hear all about it! Success stories are fascinating! 😀

Which of the following niches sound like fun to you?

Our talents and interests all differ. Some will sound like more fun than others.

Browse through the following blog niche ideas to see if any sound interesting.

Could you provide value to others by writing on any of these topics?

Which ones could you put your own twist on?

100 Blog Niche Ideas List

  1. Mom blogs
  2. Parenting blogs
  3. Pet blogs
  4. Food blogs
  5. Health blogs
  6. Fitness blogs
  7. Travel blogs (travelogs)
  8. Fashion blogs
  9. Beauty blogs
  10. Wedding blogs
  11. Lifestyle blogs
  12. Business blogs
  13. Finance blogs
  14. Political blogs
  15. Sports blogs
  16. Journalism blogs
  17. Editorial blogs
  18. Real estate blogs
  19. Home blogs
  20. Interior design blogs
  21. Organizing blogs
  22. Architecture blogs
  23. Gardening blogs
  24. Book blogs
  25. Art blogs
  26. Photography blogs
  27. Music blogs
  28. Film blogs
  29. TV show blogs
  30. Gaming blogs
  31. Education blogs
  32. Quiz blogs
  33. Car blogs
  34. Legal blogs
  35. DIY blogs
  36. Psychology blogs
  37. Entertainment blogs
  38. Technology blogs (Techblogs)
  39. Product review blogs
  40. Service review blogs
  41. Personal development blogs
  42. Spiritual blogs
  43. Sewing blogs
  44. Frugal living blogs
  45. Newborn blogs
  46. Weight loss blogs
  47. House cleaning blogs
  48. Organizational blogs
  49. Relationship help blogs
  50. Mental health blogs
  51. Couponing blogs
  52. Charity blogs
  53. Productivity blogs
  54. Freelancing blogs
  55. Writing blogs
  56. Diet blogs
  57. Nutrition blogs
  58. Healthy eating blogs
  59. Yoga blogs
  60. Women’s fitness blogs
  61. Men’s fitness blogs
  62. Dietary supplement blogs
  63. Cooking blogs
  64. Vegan blogs
  65. Keto Blogs
  66. Makeup tutorial blogs
  67. Women’s fashion blogs
  68. Men’s fashion blogs
  69. Jewelry blogs
  70. Living abroad blogs
  71. Outdoor blogs
  72. Survival blogs
  73. Homesteading blogs
  74. Christian blogs
  75. Camping blog
  76. Hiking blog
  77. Music lesson blogs
  78. Language lesson blogs
  79. Gossip blogs
  80. Soccer blogs
  81. Football blogs
  82. Baseball blogs
  83. SEO blogs
  84. Activism blogs
  85. Clothing blogs
  86. Gadget blogs
  87. Restaurant review blogs
  88. Baking blogs
  89. Bodybuilding blogs
  90. Professional development blogs
  91. Self-improvement blogs
  92. Theater blogs
  93. Business tip blogs
  94. Investment blogs
  95. Domestic travel blogs
  96. International travel blogs
  97. Adventure travel blogs
  98. Painting blogs
  99. Environmental blogs
  100. Minimalism blogs

Our blog niche idea list is hardly definitive. There are many more niches that deserve recognition!


Niches keep bloggers focused. Most bloggers get distracted by the shiny, little blog ideas that lead us astray from the focus of a niche… Or is that just me?… Squirrel!…

Do you have a niche picked out? If so, it’s time to get started on a WordPress blog through Bluehost. Bluehost and WordPress are by far the best way to go! WordPress even recommends Bluehost.

Don’t forget to visit the other two in this three-part series on niche blogs:

  1. 7 Blog Niches That Make Money + 100 Micro-Niche Ideas

Have you or are you going to start a niche blog? What’s your niche? We and fellow readers want to hear about you and your experiences in the comments below.