Weekly Pt And Uniform Day Plans

Here is a great question from soldier who wants to add in some extra PT with his command group PT and does not want to overdo it / get injured or over-train. This is such a smart question because too many will wind up working the same muscle groups 3-4 days in a row which can slow growth and recovery significantly – especially as we age.
Hi Stew.
I am a soldier in the US Army and as you know, we do PT every day. I'm pretty weak at PT and so I feel that I need to do extra on my own. What I run into when I try to start my own training is an overlap in what my unit does and what I do. For example I will plan a long run for Thursday afternoon and we'll end up doing a 5 miler that morning. I'm afraid of over training ever since my shin splints a couple of years back. Any ideas on what I should do?


Sure - what I would do is this: Set up a similar workout later in the day after your group Army PT workout. So on Monday you do some upper body PT and a run in the morning. Later in the day or evening, do more similar exercises in the evening that same day for 20-30 minutes. Add weights of the same muscle group for variety if needed. For example, if you did a lot of pushups in the morning, add in some bench press, chest flies, shoulder exercises, and some plank poses for abs / lower back. Then do a non impact aerobic activity like bike, swim, elliptical glide to work the heart and lungs without over-working your legs / shins. This way, your body will get more than 24 hours of recovery before working the same muscle groups even though you did a two-a-day workout. The thing to remember is not do any upper body workouts the following day. Focus on leg PT, running, rucking or some other form of cardio activity.


Weekly Pt And Uniform Day Plans Printable

1-4 Day: - More stamping - Lectures on Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) from training guide. Keep studying from training guide.-1-5 Day: - First workout, pre-physical fitness test. See how many you can do. The air is dry, but keep running, keep pushing, Do not stop! Puke, if you want and keep going. Don't stop your heart rate. A single pony tail centered on the back of the head is authorized in physical fitness uniforms only when within the scope of physical training, except when considered a safety hazard.

Also add in some foam rolling. See article on how to use a foam roller to give you some quick recovery from workouts / daily grind of being a soldier. See www.stewsmith.com/linkpages/MFR.htm

Also Stew, could I get a 5 or 6 day plan that incorporates your pyramid/supersets/test failure workout? I'm a little foggy on what that looks like.

Have you seen this one: www.stewsmith.com/linkpages/pulluppushupnext.htm or seen this link

15 Day starter plan - 15 day PFT Starter Plan - These are routines that work well for those seeking to better their PFT scores.
BUT, I would also do this to be more specific:
Monday - pyramid workout to failure and repeat in reverse order (pullups, pushups, situps - dips options)
Tuesday – Run / Leg PT Workout
Wednesday - Super set workout - all SUB MAX effort: For example:
Repeat 5- 10 times (depending on your fitness level)
pullups - 50% of your max reps
pushups 50% of max reps
situps work on your pace of 20-25 situps in 30 seconds
run 3-4 minutes at goal pace for your 2 mile run
Thursday – Day off or easy non impact cardio option

Weekly pt and uniform day plans pdf

Friday – Run or ruck mixed with some Leg PT or weight workout
Saturday - Max effort PT Workout:

Weekly Pt And Uniform Day Plans Template

Pick a number to do like 50-100 pullups, 100-200 pushups (1 min limit per set), and 150-300 situps (1 minute limit per set). Your goal is to get to these number as quickly as you can in as few sets as possible. For instance a first set may look like this:
pullups - 20
pushups - 60
situps 60
Run - OPTIONAL - try adding in a recovery run of 1/4 mile before repeating the above three exercises in a circuit fashion with no rest in between
Set two may look like this: pullups 15, pushups, 40, situps 50...run...continue this routine until you hit your goal reps per workout. Just to give you an idea of how far you can take this, my Heroes of Tomorrow PT group typically does this in 4-6 sets. Every now and then we have a guy who can do 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 situps in THREE sets!!! (time limit on situps is 2 minutes for this workout)
There are many ways to create workouts with the classic calisthenics exercises. One of my latest and new favorite is the 8 count bodybuilder pushup and pullup pyramid. Do one 8 count body builder pushup - run 30-40m to a pullup bar and do 1 pullup - run back 30-40m and do two 8 count BB pushups - run to pullup bar and do 2 pullups. I think you get where this is going, so keep going up until you fail at pull-ups, then repeat in reverse order IF you did not make it over 10. Keep going if you can and shoot for a goal of reaching 20! That is 210 pullups and 210 BBpushups in a workout. This one is tough.

Weekly Pt And Uniform Day Plans Pdf

One thing to remember – Fitness is not a Destination – It is a Journey. I have been enjoying learning new things developing challenging workouts for more than 20 years now and I am not done. I’m still learning everyday. Enjoy and keep things a changing!

Weekly Pt And Uniform Day Plans 2020

MISSION STATEMENT: St. Charles Parish School in Hartland, Wisconsin nourishes and grows a vibrant Catholic community committed to innovation, responsiveness and compassion as it prepares and challenges students in their intellectual, spiritual and moral lives.

Dear Parents,
We currently have fourteen students quarantining at home due to being considered a close contact after exposure to a positive case outside of St. Charles.
Additionally, we have one staff member and one student who tested positive for COVID-19. Families of students who were considered to be close contacts have been notified and are now in quarantine. This includes six students total.
We are extremely grateful for the tremendous efforts all of our families continue to make to help keep in-person learning going and our students and staff safe. Please keep our St. Charles School community in your prayers!

Following His plan,
Mr. Garvey