Professional Obligationsms. Schrader's Teaching Portfolio

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  1. So it tells me that we need to do more work. The training of disability support workers is led from the other portfolio, from the Social Services portfolio, but the issue of takeup is they will have a clearer view than I do, but we stand ready to assist them to provide more training.
  2. Sanger Institute - Publications 2012. Number of papers published in 2012: 237 An integrated map of genetic variation from 1,092 human genomes. 1000 Genomes Project Consortium, Abecasis GR, Auton A, Brooks LD, DePristo MA, Durbin RM, Handsaker RE, Kang HM, Marth GT and McVean GA.
  3. After reading Road to Teaching, I got the idea to get my teaching portfolio together.In the book, Hougan suggests aspiring teachers include: cover letter, belief and philosophy statement, observation reflections, resume, professional reflections, and an annotated reading list.
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Research expertise


Consumer interest in improving health and performance with foods containing bioactive ingredients is growing. Our research demonstrates the health benefits of bioactive ingredients (eg, antioxidants and probiotics) and foods (eg, milk, fermented products, fruits, beverages) in both animal models and in humans as well as investigating their mechanisms of action. We examine the bioactive effects on immune function, resistance to infection, blood pressure, diabetes, prediabetes, cognitive function, sports performance and other health measures.


Dietetics and clinical nutrition

We conduct research in a variety of settings including hospitals, residential care and the wider community. Research Dietitians must be able to measure food and nutrient intake with precision in order to evaluate how health and risk for disease are influenced by diet. We use different nutrition assessment methods to better understand the impact of diseases and to design interventions that enhance length and quality of life. We explore eating behaviours and food and nutrient intakes to develop national and international guidelines for nutrition and dietetic practice.####Contact

Human lifecycle nutrition

The unique nutritional demands at each stage of the lifecycle is the focus of this field of research in the nutritional sciences. Massey University researchers study nutrition of infants, children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, adults of all sizes and older people. Researchers also carry out community-based studies to identify at-risk populations and to develop novel intervention strategies.


Human nutrition and bone and joint health

Dietary factors, such as dairy foods and micronutrients or lipids can affect bone health and joint cartilage. Our staff use a range of research technologies to determine the effect of dietary factors on bone health and cartilage degradation.


Milk quality and composition

A cross-disciplinary team of Massey scientists is researching milk quality, composition and health benefits for humans.


Nutrient metabolism and metabolic health

Implicit in the goal of achieving optimal health and wellbeing is an understanding of how our bodies absorb and metabolise nutrients from our diets. We use human, animal and cell studies to investigate the physiological response to dietary modifications and to understand underlying mechanisms that lead to good health outcomes. We are particularly interested in new pathway to obesity prevention and metabolic health. We explore dietary approaches for the prevention of common diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancer.


Nutrition and physical activity

We focus on the nutritional requirements of physical activity and sport training. We evaluate the effects of diet modification or supplementation strategies on the performance of the physically active recreational athlete and the elite athlete. Our researchers also explore the relationship between diet, physical activity, the living environment, metabolic health and rehabilitation outcomes in diseases such as type-2 diabetes and vitamin deficiency.


Public health nutrition

Promoting and maintaining the nutritional health of populations is fundamental for the social, cultural, and economic wellbeing of communities. We seek to understand the complex relationship between diet, the food environment and determinants of health to plan, implement and evaluate nutrition promotion strategies that reduce inequity in health outcomes, and improve population health status. Our researchers apply skills in dietary assessment and surveillance, food systems analysis and development to support improved population health and wellbeing.



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Research degrees


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Research projects

A good gut feeling for overall health

The diversity of the bacteria in our gut could be a vital marker for our overall health. Massey researchers want to test whether taste perception, dietary intake, eating behaviour, sleep and physical activity influence and modify the gut microbiome and how it impacts health, such as metabolic diseases like type 2 diabetes.

Cultural factors key to health of older Māori

Findings from a study by Massey University and the University of Auckland suggests more focus in the health sector is needed to foster culturally appropriate food practices for older Māori that may lead to fewer hospitalisations and lower mortality rates.

Dairy shown to improve bone health of Kiwi children

Massey University research shows children drinking milk at school have greater increases in the size and strength of their bones, compared to children who are not involved in the Fonterra Milk for Schools programme.

Professional Obligationsms. Schrader's Teaching Portfolio Allocation

Does a sweet tooth affect sugar intake?

Our research identifying a link between taste perception and total calorie intake and processed food consumption supports the scientific evidence for an urgent need for food reformulation to improve health outcomes.

High risk of malnutrition in older people

A study led by Professor Carol Wham from the School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition aimed to investigate malnutrition risk in older adults at the point of hospital admission. Almost 75 per cent of older adults involved in the study were found to be at risk of malnourishment, or were malnourished, when they were admitted to hospital.

Keeping pre-school kids moving

Obesity rates in children world-wide are burgeoning, and those attending childcare are more at risk. Massey University student, Jeanette Rapson, hopes to discover information that may help design interventions offering simple, practical and relevant tips for early childhood education (ECE) teachers about nutrition and physical activity for pre-schoolers. The research is being supervised by Dr Ajmol Ali from the School of Sport and Exercise and Associate Professor Cathryn Conlon from the School of Food and Nutrition.

Taurine supplements may improve performance recovery

A recent Massey University study looked at post-exercise taurine supplementation in humans, its effect on muscle damage markers, and subsequent performance recovery. The Effect of Taurine on the Recovery from Eccentric Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage in Males was co-authored by Yanita McLeay, Professor Steve Stannard and Dr Matthew Barnes from Massey’s School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition.

The MINI Study - Mother and Infant Nutrition Investigation

After the birth of their baby, most women continue to see their health care professionals. However, the focus is often on the infant’s health. Only limited attention is given to the mother’s health. This study monitored the mothers’ health by assessing her nutrient status, thyroid function and mental health. The three nutrients studied were iodine, selenium, and iron.

The impact of ingesting multiple carbohydrates during long-distance triathlon performance

Triathletes must rely on ingesting carbohydrates while exercising to maintain the carbohydrate-energy required for intense efforts. Choosing the correct blend and form (liquid or solid) of carbohydrate for their bodies can be the difference between minutes or seconds off their times.

Veges don’t make the cut in school kitchens

Dietetic masters students on a public health nutrition placement with the Heart Foundation and conducted a survey which examined how intermediate school children are currently taught cooking skills. Nearly 120 schools throughout New Zealand participated. Overall, the findings indicate there are opportunities to better support children with key skills in food preparation.

Vitamin D supplements and psoriasis

A new study indicates some people with psoriasis might see an improvement in their symptoms from taking a vitamin D supplement, particularly in the colder months. Dr Michelle Ingram conducted the research as part of her PhD in Nutritional Science. The study was funded by a Lottery Health Research grant and supervised by Associate Professor Pamela von Hurst from the School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition.

Student research

Bolaji Lilian Ilesanmi-Oyelere's research project looks into the relationship between New Zealand diets, bone health and the gut microbiome. She believes that the dairy industries, the scientific community and women in general will benefit from the outcomes of this research. Her project is supervised by Professor Marlena Kruger, Professor Jane Coad and Professor Nicole Roy.

Bolaji Lilian Ilesanmi-Oyelere
Doctor of Philosophy

Dushanka Hettige's research study investigated the prevalence of malnutrition and associated risk factors among older adults (aged 64 to 84 years) newly admitted to residential care facilities across the Waitemata District Health Board (WDHB) region. Her study found that nearly half the participants were malnourished, and over a third were at risk of dysphagia. It highlighted the importance of malnutrition and dysphagia screening among older adults upon admission to residential care.

Dushanka Hettige
The prevalence of nutrition risk and associated risk factors among older adults recently admitted to age-related residential care within the Waitemata District Health Board region
Master of Science (Nutrition and Dietetics)

Taste preferences start to develop early in life and can influence food choices in the future. PhD candidate and registered dietitian, Jeanette Rapson is investigating how exposing babies to a variety of fruit and vegetables when they first move to solids, could help form better eating habits in the future. Visit

Jeanette Rapson
Doctor of Philosophy

PhD student Katie Schraders is investigating the long-term effects of coeliac disease. Her thesis is being supervised by Professor Marlena Kruger.

Katie Schraders
Doctor of Philosophy

Internationally, eating behaviour has been linked with an optimal and adverse body composition in women. However, no study to date has examined eating behaviour in female New Zealand ethnic groups. Katrina's thesis investigated eating behaviours as predictors of different body composition factors and dietary intake, in New Zealand European (NZE), Māori and Pacific women, aged 16-45 years, participating in the women’s EXPLORE study.

Katrina Shepherd
Master of Science (Nutrition and Dietetics)

Beetroot juice contains nitrate and has the potential to improve cognition, mood and cardiovascular function. Luke Stanaway's PhD examines the effects of a single dose and prolonged intake of nitrate supplementation, of beetroot juice, on cognition, mood and cardiovascular responses in younger (18-30 years) and older adults (50-70 years). His project is supervised by Associate Professor Ajmol Ali, Associate Professor Kay Rutherfurd-Markwick and Associate Professor Rachel Page.

Luke Stanaway
Doctor of Philosophy

Moniek's master's thesis research was carried out in Bangladesh in collaboration with World Vision New Zealand and World Vision Bangladesh. She spent two months in Bangladesh investigating the eating habits, superstitions and taboos of pregnant woman living in rural Bangladesh. Moniek believes the cross between nutrition and development studies is perfect. Coming into the development field with a strong technical skill, such as nutrition, can be a huge benefit.

Moniek Kindred
Investigating the eating habits, superstitions and taboos of pregnant woman living in rural Bangladesh
Master of Science (Human Nutrition) - First Class Honours

Rebecca Tennent's research thesis investigates the impact our genes have on how we respond to caffeine, and how this influences our consumption of caffeinated products. Using saliva samples, she analyses three genes known to be involved, and aligns this genetic data with a questionnaire completed by participants. This information will help us better understand this emerging area of nutrition.

Rebecca Tennent
Genetic Associations with Caffeine Consumption and Experiences in New Zealand Adults
Master of Science (Nutrition and Dietetics)

Umani Shanika Walallawita’s PhD project compares the bioavailability and health benefits of heritage golden-orange tomatoes to conventional red tomatoes on protecting against bone loss in postmenopausal osteoporosis. Her project is supervised by Professor Julian Heyes, Professor Marlena Kruger, Dr Fran Wolber and Dr Ayelet Ziv-Gal, and is supported by the Heritage Food Crops Research Trust and a Massey University College of Health doctoral scholarship.

Umani Shanika Walallawita
Doctor of Philosophy

Janice Lim's PhD project investigates the hypoglycaemic potential of several plant extracts easily accessible in New Zealand that may help in improving blood glucose homeostasis, particularly in people diagnosed with prediabetes. She also studies the underlying mechanism of action of plant extracts in improving blood glucose response. Her project is supervised by Associate Professor Rachel Page.

Wen Xin Janice Lim
Doctor of Philosophy

PhD project ideas

If you are looking to enrol in a PhD, here are project topics our academic staff could potentially supervise.


Nutrition and Dietetics

For this project, you will undertake a needs assessment and develop interventions to assess the effectiveness of food based, supplement and dining room interventions against nutritional, health and social (QOL) outcome measures among older adults in aged residential care.




The BodPod is an advanced piece of equipment that accurately, easily and reliably measures body composition and then body fat using an air displacement method. Massey University has the only two BodPods in New Zealand. We also have a PeaPod for infants.

DXA machine

The DXA (Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry) uses two low-dose x-rays that read bone mass and soft tissue simultaneously. It is connected to specialised computer software that is able to reconstruct an image of underlying tissues, bone, fat and fat free body mass.

This technology is the gold standard for assessment of body composition as well as bone density.


Professional Obligationsms. Schrader's Teaching Portfolios

The Fit3D body composition scanner is the latest in body composition measurement.

Human nutrition and dietetics facilities

The Human Nutrition and Research Unit has excellent facilities for nutritional assessment and running clinical studies. Our facilities span multiple disciplines in the field, including human studies, animal studies, molecular and cellular biology, microbiology and biochemistry, and rheology.


Nutrition Laboratory

The Nutrition Laboratory specialises in analysis of food, plant and animal products. Their facilities enable nutritional testing of food products including for shelf life, food safety, product formulation and labelling.

Awards and recognition

Massey University graduate Dushanka Hettige has been awarded the 2018 Bernice Kelly Award from Dietitians NZ for the most improved full-time dietetic student, from either Massey University, University of Otago or University of Auckland.

Dushanka Hettige
2018 Bernice Kelly Award

The prestigious Dietitians NZ Award of Excellence has been awarded to Professor Carol Wham from Massey University’s School of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition in the category of Outstanding Achievement in Dietetics.

Dr Carol Wham
Dietitians NZ Award of Excellence

Dr Jamie de Seymour has been awarded nearly $100,000 from the Health Research Council of New Zealand and the National Natural Science Foundation of China to investigate the relationship between dietary patterns and exposure to environmental pollutants during pregnancy, and the infant’s brain development at 12 months of age.

Dr Jamie de Seymour
HRC funding for maternal exposures and neurodevelopment research

Associate Professor David Rowlands from the School of Sport and Exercise was honoured as the winner of the 2017 Gatorade Sport Science Institute (GSSI) - American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Sport Nutrition Award for his study entitled, Multiple-Transportable Carbohydrate Effect on Long-Distance Triathlon Performance.

Associate Professor David Rowlands
Sport Nutrition Award


Nutrition Symposia

Professional Obligationsms. Schrader's Teaching Portfolio Assessment

The Nutrition Symposia gives health professionals and others working the fields of nutrition, food and wellness, accessible and useful information from nutrition research findings.

Participate in research studies

Beetroot juice and exercise recovery study

Seeking healthy, non-smoking, active males, aged between 18 and 45 who don't perform regular leg resistance/strength exercise

The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of a prior dose of beetroot juice on muscle soreness, inflammation and strength recovery following a single-leg protocol of intense muscle contractions.

Close to the Bone Study

You will need to be a female who is healthy OR medically diagnosed with coeliac disease, who has consumed a strict gluten free diet for a year or more OR medically diagnosed with non-coeliac gluten sensitivity, who has consumed a strict gluten free diet for a year or more AND be between 18-40 AND live in the Palmerston North or Wellington region

This study aims to investigate the links between bone health and lifestyle factors, specifically the gluten free diet consumed by people with coeliac disease and non-coeliac gluten sensitivity.

The Caffeine Study

Seeking healthy males, 18 to 55 years old, non-smokers, who consume caffeine at least once a week and can complete a 40km cycle-based time trial in less than 90mins.

While we know caffeine generally has a performance enhancing effect, it is usually different for most people. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate how key genes affect responses to caffeine ingestion and how it impacts on endurance performance.

Departments and staff

Find out more about the departments and staff involved in human nutrition research at Massey.

Meet our students

With its caring lecturers who want you to succeed, varied practical placements and industry contacts, I would certainly recommend choosing Massey. The variety of placements made me realise how many career opportunities there are for dietitians, giving me a taste of what it’s like to work in different fields.

Alex Lawn
Recipe Editor at My Food Bag
Master of Science (Nutrition and Dietetics)

If you are interested in learning about utilising nutritional science to improve one’s wellbeing, this is the degree for you!

Andrew Xia
Specialist Critical Care and Surgical Dietitian at Middlemore Hospital, Counties Manukau Health, Auckland
Master of Science (Nutrition and Dietetics) - First Class Honours

I chose Massey University due its known leadership in the area of food and nutrition. I am particularly interested in how nutrition can be utilised for health and wellbeing during infancy and older age. This is due to the vulnerability of these age groups to nutrition-related diseases.

Bolaji Lilian Ilesanmi-Oyelere
Doctor of Philosophy

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time studying at Massey and have been extremely fortunate to have been taught and supervised by some of the leading lecturers in the field of physical education and coaching.

Dr Lana McCarthy
Doctor of Philosophy

I would recommend studying at Massey University due to the high level of support, guidance and valuable expertise from staff from both the academic and practical placement setting. I am now in a career where I feel I am making a true difference to the nutrition and health of the community.

Dushanka Hettige
Clinical Dietitian at Capital and Coast DHB: Based in ICU, medical oncology, haematology and renal.
Master of Science (Nutrition and Dietetics)

Studying these subjects (Physiology and Human Nutrition) has given me the opportunity to meet and be taught by some of the most inspiring and intelligent people I have ever (and possibly will ever) meet. The teaching staff on the Palmerston North campus are wonderful and caring.

Katie Schraders
Doctor of Philosophy

Overall, Massey was an excellent gateway for me landing my role at Nestle and I think the strong workforce connections Massey disposes to its students, in all areas of nutrition and dietetics, is an appealing point of difference compared to other universities.

Katrina Shepherd
Community Programme Manager at Nestle
Master of Science (Nutrition and Dietetics)

Studying is commonly seen as a chore and nobody like chores, but at Massey they go the extra step to help create an enjoyable, family-like environment. Just like any family you have ups and downs but when all is said and done, they are there for you.

Luke Stanaway
Doctor of Philosophy

The highlight of my career is working as the Health and Nutrition Manager for World Vision in the Nepal earthquake response. The work was so fast-paced and dynamic. The team I had the pleasure to work with was incredible. I got to trek into health facilities in extremely remote areas of Nepal with views people would pay thousands of dollars for.

Moniek Kindred
Country Portfolio Manager at World Vision New Zealand
Master of Science (Human Nutrition) - First Class Honours

Professional Obligationsms. Schrader's Teaching Portfolio Login

I am interested in discovering a simple way to cure or prevent diseases, especially the chronic diseases we are facing nowadays. Nutrition is one of the possible approaches—it could bring benefits to all people.

Parkpoom Siriarchavatana
Doctor of Philosophy

Massey University ensures you don’t get lost in the crowd, with staff who see you as more than just a number. The area of nutrition and dietetics is constantly evolving, it’s great having a variety of guest lecturers to share their knowledge and experience. Balanced with practical exposure, Massey helps you feel ready for the next step after graduation.

Rebecca Tennent
Master of Science (Nutrition and Dietetics)

I totally enjoy my PhD research topic as it is something very relevant to human health and wellness, and I hope I will be able to make some progress in the field of diabetes treatment during the course of my study by implementing nutrition in the diet.

Wen Xin Janice Lim
Doctor of Philosophy

Research centres

Centre for Metabolic Health Research

The Centre for Metabolic Health Research facilitates interdisciplinary research in metabolic health, with key aspects being the prevention of metabolic diseases such as obesity, diabetes and cardiovascular disease, and the maintenance of mobility and functionality throughout the lifecycle.

Nutrition and Dietetic Centre

The Nutrition and Dietetic Centre combines the clinical, nutritional and research expertise of Massey dietitians and nutritionists with the enthusiasm and creativity of our dietetics students. The Centre is based on the Auckland campus.

Vitamin D Research Centre

The Vitamin D Research Centre works to improve the status of population groups who are demonstrably at risk of vitamin D deficiency and the associated negative health consequences.

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The State Administration of Market Regulation has kicked off investigations into the Alibaba Group, laying claim that the company has been involved in monopolistic conduct such as 'forced exclusivity' by requiring e-commerce merchants to pick only one platform as their exclusive distribution channel, according to the South China Morning Post.
The paper says the investigation is being led by a former official from the state-owned China Communications Network Information Center (CCNIC), which oversees internet censorship and content management. The CCNIC was responsible for censoring the country's most popular social media platforms like Weibo and QQ after they were launched in 2009.
Alibaba has denied any wrongdoing and said it will fight the accusations. 'We are confident that we have not broken any laws,' an Alibaba spokesman told the newspaper. A spokesman for the government's Administration of Government Bureaus told the paper, 'If we find evidence, we will take strict action.'
Alibaba Group started out as a online marketplace, and now encompasses several other services and companies. The company's affiliate Cainiao, which handles logistics, is reported to be one of the targets of the market regulation investigation.
Alibaba is China's biggest online retailer by total sales, and its Tmall platform — similar to Amazon's online marketplace — has also become a shopping destination for many in the country.
The company's founder, Jack Ma said in a speech in 2014 that if the government shut down Alibaba, more than 4,000 offline companies that depend on it would fail.
Tmall launched in 2013 and now has more than 500 brands and 30 million products, according to its website.
It is not the first time that the company has faced government scrutiny.
In 2012, Bloomberg reported that Alibaba was under investigation by the Cyberspace Administration for suspected financial fraud and a potential security threat in the wake of the September 11 attacks. The company denied those allegations, and the investigation was reportedly closed by the CACAB months later.
Alibaba was also reported to have faced a similar investigation by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC), which is part of the State Council, over allegations that online food sales platforms like Eat天下 and Amazon Food were illegally selling hard to get medical drugs and other goods. The company said at the time that it would 'not bow down to external pressure and we will continue to operate as normal.'
In December, the company pulled its online food delivery service in Shenzhen for health and safety reasons.
Alibaba's future in the country has been called into question as well.
In early December, a media report said Jack Ma was looking to sell a 40 percent stake in the company.