Gkgaming Potatoes

Potatoes are coming back to Taco Bell. Earlier this week, the fast-food joint announced it was reversing course to bring back the option after slashing a substantial part of its menu last fall. Suffice to say, fans are ecstatic over the move — so much so, the addition has become the talk of social media.

  1. Gk Gaming Potatoes Recipes
  2. Gk Gaming Potatoes Skins

Gk Gaming Potatoes Recipes

We are Big Potato games. Based in East London, we like to turn our hands to everything from quiz games to party games, kids games to toys. Potatoes are coming back to Taco Bell. Earlier this week, the fast-food joint announced it was reversing course to bring back the option after slashing a substantial part of its menu last fall. Potato arrived to Britain in 1585, Belgium and Germany in 1587, Austria in 1588, Ireland in 1589 and France in 1600. Sadly, local population of those countries looked at potato as absolutely unneeded, weird, poisonous (only roots of the plant were edible, which was totally unheard off in Europe), and in some cases as downright evil. Plant seed potatoes as cut pieces or whole potatoes two inches deep, space 12 inches apart with rows spaced 30-36' apart. When to plant potato seeds Plant when soil temperature is 50 degrees. This is often 2-3 weeks before your last frost. Planting in cold wet soil will slow growth or rot the tubers. Where to plant potato seeds.

'The return of our beloved potatoes is just the first step in showing our fans the strong continued commitment to vegetarian we are making this year,' said Liz Matthews, Taco Bell's Global Chief Food Innovation Officer. 'We have long been a leader in the vegetarian space, but this year, we have more meatless options in store that vegetarians, veggie-curious and even meat-eaters will love.'

And now, an announcement from our CEO. pic.twitter.com/JHHJMrPEJH

— Taco Bell (@tacobell) January 14, 2021

Keep scrolling to see what people are saying.

Bullying Is Bad, Mkay?

bullying works. taco bell is bringing potatoes back

— sensei (@raik0uu) January 14, 2021prevnext

First In Line

me at my local taco bell on march 11th at 9:00 am begging for a spicy potato soft taco pic.twitter.com/502UoWQHdK

Gk Gaming Potatoes Skins

— ken (@kenswear) January 14, 2021prevnext




— brittany (@mogirlprobs) January 13, 2021prevnext


if you need some good news to get you going today, taco bell is bringing back potatoes and expanding their vegetarian menu in march. bless 🥲

Gkgaming Potatoes — ˗ˏˋ mischa ˎˊ˗ (@mischacrossing) January 14, 2021prevnext

We Did It

we did it joe .... potatoes are coming back to taco bell pic.twitter.com/44DPQQqEue

— tay (@taylormarie8900) January 14, 2021prevnext

Captain Potato

BREAKING: Chris Evans is reprising his role as the Taco Bell potatoes

— Eddy Burback (@eddyburback) January 14, 2021prevnext

Prayers Answered

I guess our prayers have been heard finally. @tacobell is bringing back to the spicy potato taco

— Willam (@willam) January 16, 2021prev